Dum spiro, spero. (While I breathe, I hope.)

Tuesday, May 11, 2010


And just as quickly as that, my brief stint as a bake shop manager has ended. This simply was not the right place for me. There was more focus on the 'punk rock attitude' and knowing who the chef made cakes for, than the organic, local etc.

Oh well... sometimes things don't work out. From day one, this felt wrong for me, and I struggled with serious anxiety the entire time I was there. The employees were calling me and emailing me all day long, and I didn't want the constant responsibility. I know some people may think that I took the easy way out, or that I'm being risky, or lazy, or whatever by just leaving, but I'm trusting in God to work this into something good.

I have learned - again - a lot about myself, which is really the point, right? I have learned that my priorities are to be a good wife, and hopefully soon become a good mother. I'd love to get pregnant, (which I never though I'd say, but I'm going to be 32 this November!!) and I know that won't happen while I am covered in stress.

So - that's that - and I know that this is just another season in my life. God has shown me great things, and I know that this is just another step along the way to even greater things. I continue to look forward to the future, and I'm excited about getting back to what I love most, cooking and baking for my family.

Now - on to the rest of this wonderfully relaxing day off and a cinnamon swirl bread that's calling my name!


Alma Zulema said...

Ali, I'm sorry that things didn't work out, but I know God has something even better in store for you! *hugs*

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